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The Baby Steps of IVF

Building blocks to a successful outcome.

When you think of common fertility treatments, in vitro fertilization (IVF) probably appears near the top of your list. There’s a reason for that.

IVF has been around for decades and you most likely already know the basic idea behind IVF: uniting egg and sperm outside the body in a culture. But there’s so much more to IVF that happens before and after that. Top IVF clinic will outline the importance of the five step process with a comprehensive hands on guidance.


Choosing The Right Fertility Doc / Clinic

The Best are ahead of the rest.

The path toward parenthood is filled with many ups and downs and having the best care possible is what can make your fertility journey exciting. While there are many different considerations to be made–from selecting procedure to third-party members–your fertility clinic will guide you with their experience and knowledge.



Let's spot and treat them!

  1. Compare apples with apples. For example, if you are 38 years of age, don’t look at the outcomes for the patients under 35 years of age to estimate your chances at a particular clinic. Likewise, if you are using your own eggs, do not look at the outcomes for women using donor eggs. Donor egg outcomes are useful only to assess the best possible outcomes that a particular clinic can deliver- so if this is low- then run like hell. If the clinic can’t deliver better than average outcomes with their donor egg cycles- they will be likely deliver even worse results with their other patients.

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