Medical Articles & News
Various medical conditions may make it impossible for a woman to carry a pregnancy. Reproductive medicine provides the option of enabling another woman, known as a gestational carrier (formerly called a surrogate) to carry the child of a woman who cannot sustain a pregnancy. There are two types of gestational carriers: A traditional gestational carrier […]
The ability to use a donor egg has enabled thousands of women to become pregnant when they otherwise might not have had this opportunity. While a woman’s eggs may not be viable, very often the uterus is completely healthy and capable of supporting a pregnancy. In these cases, egg donation with IVF has high success […]
Previously frozen embryos may be transferred during a woman’s natural cycle or in a controlled (artificial) cycle, depending on a number of factors: Controlled cycle transfer.In a controlled cycle, hormone medications are given to prepare the uterus for transfer. This method is recommended for patients who have irregular cycles. Because the controlled cycle can be […]
In general, the success of frozen-thawed embryo transfer procedures depends on three factors: The quality and survival of the frozen-thawed embryos. In general, we only freeze good quality embryos so the current rate of survival is greater than 90%.The age of the woman who produced the eggs. In patients under the age of 37, the […]
A woman’s ovaries house hundreds of potential eggs. Each month, during the natural ovulation cycle, the ovary selects just one egg from a pool of 100-1,000. Those eggs which are not selected undergo a natural cell death process called atresia. When a woman uses fertility medication, the body’s natural selection process is overridden, and a […]
Because anesthesia is used for egg retrieval, patients feel nothing during the procedure. Egg retrieval is a minor surgery, in which a vaginal ultrasound probe fitted with a long, thin needle is passed through the wall of the vagina and into each ovary. The needle punctures each egg follicle and gently removes the egg through […]
The prospect of daily injections can be overwhelming. While injections are a necessary part of IVF treatment, we have designed our medication schedules and injection type to minimize discomfort and stress; and our nurses carefully instruct and support every patient throughout this process. Medications that once had to be injected into the muscle have been […]
Compared with the general population, women who have never conceived appear to have a slightly increased risk of ovarian cancer (about 1.6 times the rate). Because it is thought that many of these women have also used fertility medications, it has been hypothesized that a link might exist between fertility medications and this particular cancer. […]
While some research suggests a slightly higher incidence of birth defects in IVF-conceived children compared with the general population (4 – 5% vs. 3%), it is possible that this increase is due to factors other than IVF treatment itself. It is important to recognize that the rate of birth defects in the general population is […]